Apple Tree Golden Delicious EM9 Bare rooted
1 Tree Bare Rooted on EMLA 9 roostock dwarfing
A properly-ripe Golden Delicious is a golden-yellow colour (not an unripe green). As a commercial variety it has been spoilt by picking to early before the flavour has developed, Many associated the golden colour as an indication of being off the tree to long. I the home garden you can pick when ready and enjoy
Fruit are medium sized, clear yellow sometimes lightly russetted. Sweet, juicy, crisp flesh. Apple is a perfect multi-purpose apple for eating fresh, in cooked recipes, in applesauce, and in baked apple dessert
Fruit is produced on spurs and tips
Matures March-April. Heavy crops it is self fertile
Requires 700 chilling hours to set fruit. (Chill hours or chill units (CU) are the number of hours when temperatures stay at 0-7 C.)
Read more at Gardening Know How: Apple Chilling Info: How Many Chill Hours Do Apples Need