We are a small apple and plum orchard just 3 km from Cambridge. We also have small plant nursery selling Growing On Line sized plants and fruit trees



Ute at Kaipaki MarketTrash 'n Treasure Market

Because we are selling direct to the consumer, we can supply fruit that is tree ripened and is picked fresh. We do not hold fruit in store

 Pest Control

We try to be environmentally conscious and use products supplied by Biologix that contain beneficial microbes and trace nutrients derived from kelp for both fungal infection and nutrition. We have also used Agrisea’s Liquid seaweed

We have been trailing a predatory wasp and for codling moth traps using a mix of apple cider and molasses, but not yet achieving the level of control we had hoped for

Weeds Control  

between the trees without resorting to chemicals is not easy. Certainly, the chickens this year in parts have scratched up the ground. We have looked at a couple of herbicides derived from natural sources and will evaluate these this next year

Plums: A choice of varieties that are ready from Late November through to February

Apples: Most of our apples are older varieties that are suited to fresh eating, cooking or cider (or other spirits) Harvested from January through to May

Other Fruit We have a few Feijoas, Figs, Pears and Medlars

Nursery Plants: We source our plants from several wholesale nurseries around the county that are following the Myrtle Rust protection pregame. The plants are normally in 5 or 7 cm tubes which allows us to courier over the whole county. Freight rates for larger plants become horrendous.

 Some fruit bushes are  in larger pots and trees of apples, plums and pears are sold bare rooted in winter

How to find us 

The orchard nursery is open each day from 9.30 am to 5 pm

In addition to selling on this website we sell on Trademe under name AlphaKNO

We also attend the Kaipaki Market 4th Saturday of month and The Lions Trash and Treasure market 2nd Sunday of month