Passionfruit Black Beauty

NZ$7.50  +GST
Almost gone


Black Passion Fruit


The flowers 5-8cm across are white and purple attraction in themselves. They are formed on currant season\'s wood and will flower in the first year. 

Plants are vigorous evergreen vine with tendrils and deeply lobed green shiny leaves.  Growing to 1.5-7m per year once established. The stem becomes woody with age.

Fruit is egg shaped, 4-7.5 cm dark purple fruit with a yellow-orange juicy aromatic flavoured pulp filled with small black seeds. Hasrvest when fruit changes from green to dark purple, from February to June.

 They are self-fertile. Flowers are only open for the day and start to wilt by the afternoon. Also need warm temperatures to be fertile. Passionfruit plants are insect pollinated, therefore adverse weather conditions during flowering may affect fruit se

Unfortunately the life expectancy of a plant is 4 - 7 years