Plum Tree Luisa

Kaipaki Nursery and Orchard (Shopping at this outlet) Out Of Stock


Product details:

Shipping Weight:3.00kg
Large sweet late plum


Full description:

A  very poular plum from the Waikato that produces good crops of distinctive oval fruit in late January. The Fruit has a yellow skin blushed red. The firm flesh is also yellow and very sweet sweet and juicy.  Crops in Waikato  Deciduous.

Though self-fertile  Luisa  crops  are improved if planted with another variety such as Billington 

I have found that if fruit ineeds to be picked when ripe or they wil rot. This is especially true after rain

Trees are sold bare rooted during winter.  The trees are about 2 m in height, do check on freight rates if you want delivering Bagged +$5