Citrus Lemon Yen Ben 1.9l pot

Kaipaki Nursery and Orchard (Shopping at this outlet) 1


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Shipping Weight:2.00kg


Full description:

In 1.9 litre Pot.

Aromatic glossy leaves and white fragrant flowers. Followed by long oblong firm fruit that has excellent keeping quality. Produces a heavy yield so fruit thinning is advised for best fruit size. Superior juice content with low seed count. Sharp acidic flavour, excellent for cooking or your G&T. Smooth thin pale yellow skin, great for zest and dried lemon peel.

Habit - Sport of Lisbon Lemon. Originated in Queensland in the 1930s. Imported to NZ 1970s. Compact evergreen tree. Ideal for a container on your deck so you can enjoy the fragrant flowers and the fruit are handy.  One of the hardiest of lemons. Prefers deep, well drained soil. Sunny, sheltered and frost-free sites. Most citrus trees are subtropical or tropical and will not tolerate temperatures below -2˚C.

Size - 3 - 4 metres high.

Pollination - Self-fertile.

Harvest - Produces a crop nearly all year round. But 60 - 70% of production is in winter May to November.