A very versatile evergreen shrub that has sweet smelling flowers that are white flushed burgundy. The common name of Port wine magnolia reflects the resemblance of the flowers to Magnolias and the scent to port wine. The leaves are glossy Can be grown

NZ$3.00  +GST
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   A very versatile evergreen shrub that has sweet smelling flowers that are white flushed burgundy. The common name of Port wine magnolia reflects the resemblance of the flowers to Magnolias and the scent to port wine. The leaves are glossy

   Can be grown as a standalone plant, in a container or as a hedge as it does not mind being clipped to shape/ Plant at 75 cm to 1m the closer distance will give denser base. For a screen wider planting up to 2metres  

   Michelia figo prefers a rich well drained slightly acidic soil. and is happy in full sun or partial shade so long as the roots are kept cool and moist. A light trim in late spring will often encourage this shrub to flower again in summer.  

   Grows to H 3m x W 3m growth rate depends on conditions but could expect between 30 to 40 cm per year