I will be getting these in about August September I do not know how many of each but will take orders now for bare rooted plants
M26 produces a smaller tree than MM106 and is suitable for smaller gardens and good for cordons. Both similar for disease resistance
MM106 is a semi-dwarfing rootstock for apple trees that produces trees around 60-70% of the standard size so around 3.5 metres tall. However, you can prune the tree to a smaller size. productive and resistant to woolly apple aphid
MM793 Large Plants reach 4-6m about 30% larger than MM106. Is resistance to woolly aphids, and collar rot adaptive to wide range of soil types. . Resistant to collar rot and good tolerance to Phytophthora. Intermediate susceptibility to fire blight. Suitable for replant sites and clay soil. Less productive that MM106.
Also available
Pear rootstock Quince C. dwarfing Plants reach 2.5 - 3m Interstem with Doyanne du Comice